Saturday, 25 April 2015

Sustainable Fashion: My Spring Collection

sustainable fashion
I have decided to finally revive my blog today. What with a spirited toddler, a busy social life (toddler-related) and a slightly more demanding job (no longer slacking), there is very little time to do anything creative. But I thought I might give this space a do-over just because it's springtime and I am feeling a bit cheerful. And so for my first post for 2015, I've decided to do a fashion blog.

Beware though, I am not a fashionista. I don't exactly have any fashion advice to give. I don't remember the last time I have ever been inside a high street fashion retail shop nor ordered anything online. But I have deep passion for recycling and sustainable living. And one way of embracing that lifestyle is by channelling my shopping energy around the charity shops in Hillsborough and we have quite a few. Why spend a fortune on clothes when you can have them at a massive bargain second hand? One man's trash is indeed another's treasure (mine at least!) And once it's time to make room for something new, I just give it back to the shop to help them do their good deeds. This is fashion with a purpose: if you can't afford to go green (ethical and organic), you can do the next best thing and recycle someone else's unwanted items.

sustainable fashionsustainable fashion
sustainable fashionsustainable fashion
And in case you're interested, these items are from the usual high street brands sold at £1.50 for two when Barnardo's (a charity that looks after vulnerable children) had a sale. Look them up too, they are an amazing charity, amongst others to support. 

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